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Making doing good, easier.

Not for profits have just as much of a need for accounting services as regular businesses. It can be a minefield for charities, community interest companies and other not for profit organisations. However, we don’t believe that compliance and tax regulation should get in the way of an organisation doing real good in the world.


We’ll prepare your charity accounts according to the statement of recommended practice (SORP), ensuring that all your funds are properly accounted for – pledges, donations, investments, etc. With us, your non-profit organisation will be transparent and fully compliant.

As a charity, you can get certain tax reliefs if HMRC recognises you. Charities don’t pay tax on most types of incomes (unless they are used for non-charitable purposes). They also pay tax on certain dividends and profits from developing land or property. Meanwhile, there are special VAT rules for charities. Don’t get confused when it comes to accounting for non-profit organisations.

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